A birthday party is a celebration that occurs to celebrate the birth of the person being honoured. The birthday party is the most celebrated type of party in the world. As of July 2006 there were approximately 6.525 billion people on Earth. If birthdays were perfectly random in their distribution across the year, and if every person were to celebrate theirs at their exact birth time then there would be a birthday celebration every 0.005 seconds. While a child's party is usually at home and consists of soft drinks and sweet food as well as savory, adults' often take place in clubs with a buffet of savory food and alcohol. In Western culture, birthday parties are often accompanied by colorful decorations. A traditional birthday cake is often served with candles that are to be blown out after a "birthday wish" has been made. This wish is usually kept secret, and represents some desire for the time between the current birthday and the next. While the birthday cake is brought to the table, the song Happy Birthday to You is generally sung. A birthday party may even be an event planned carefully through a special agency or through a party service.
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